Make three payments for Art of INVISIBLE CLOWN - LIVE TRAINING (Individual Training)
CLICK HERE to make three (3) payments for the 3-month Live Training one-on-one with Mikhail Usov.
Topics of this live, online training:
How not to be a clown
How to create a professional Clown character
How to create a professional Clown act with Synopsis of the Clown act
How to be funny, convincing, regardless of external circumstances
How to perform for the public
How to present and sell your Clown acts
We will use bonus tutorials, lectures by other authors, clowns, and professionals.
Topics of the first online Course Meeting:
1. Introduction to the Clown Profession
2. Discussion about the rarity of this profession and the big shortage of this profession in the market.
3. Introduction to the Clown as the Author, Director, Designer and even the Composer of his Act and Performances.
Institute Students receive:
1. Create their Clown number or sketch
2. For chosen, successful acts - promotion in European theaters Variete as well as help with casting
3. Students will gain control and become more relaxed and confident performers.
How will the online Course go?
1. There will be an initial talent selection.
2. The Course is designed for 3 months with 12 Lessons.
3. The Course Meeting is every week - one lesson for 60 minutes
4. Online Learning will be on the Zoom system (with sessions recorded so that you can review).
5. There will be a lot of Theory but even more Practice. Each student will do sketches during the hour lesson. When one performs, the other students will watch.
6. Students will create a small classroom set for their sketches, and also find suitable costumes.
5. Students must complete all homework. Homework includes observations and sketches sent to Mikhail as videos.
6. Classes will begin with an analysis of homework, and then an introduction of new material.
Mikhail will email you the First Lesson instructions.
Join Mikhail's WAIT LIST
If you are on the WAIT LIST, Mikhail will email you about openings.
If you have questions, please contact Mikhail immediately, as the number of Students in classes is limited.